Home / Body-Mind Connection

False Pregnancy

Nothing better illustrates the body-mind connection than false pregnancy does. Various psychological dynamics transpose themselves onto the body and a woman displays the typical signs of pregnancy. A pregnant belly grows, breasts swell, and labour can occur. Lactation has also been observed. Previously understood to function as separate entities, the body and mind are indisputably interconnected.

Living With A Hated Body

No-one escapes the torment of the internal critic. Body dysmorphia illustrates the transposing of the internal critic onto the body. Devalued aspects of the self re-locate themselves onto the body and it comes under attack. For example, a compromised self-worth may be projected onto the body and manifest as an intense dislike of a selected feature or area. A subjective distortion of the body occurs and alternate perspectives are difficult to consider. The difficulty to apply rationality relates to the criticism of the body originating in less visible psychological material. The criticism is not rationally based – it is psychologically based.