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What I usually need to know

The first two therapy sessions are usually spent discussing the difficulties that you are experiencing and developing an understanding of your background. This involves developing a good grasp of your family of origin, schooling, tertiary education, occupation, and personal relationships. I will then offer you my opinion on the psychological issues at play and suggest a way forward. 

important factors for choosing a therapist

A crucial factor in choosing a therapist concerns the personality fit. It is essential that you feel comfortable and understood by your therapist. Meeting with the therapist is the best way for you to determine compatibility.

Are You Weak Or Flawed If You Go To Therapy?

Consulting with a psychologist may cause you to wonder if there is something wrong with you. The short answer to this is that we all have psychological issues which can at times become impossible to deal with on our own. 

 These issues exist for particular reasons and have not appeared out of thin air. Therapy aims to understand how these issues developed, why they continue to operate, and to assist in affecting change. The sooner that we acknowledge and work with our particular issues the better – both for ourselves and others. 

How Exactly does therapy work?

After understanding what has brought you to therapy, I pay attention to the developmental origins of your personal difficulties, the associated internal and external conflicts, the ways in which these conflicts are managed, relational dynamics, and mental and emotional patterns. 

I also aim to uncover pre-conscious and unconscious material, to identify associations (mental and emotional links), and to assist in modifying them when necessary. Therapy can be thought of as a conversation where you will be encouraged to spontaneously express your experiences, thoughts, and emotions. I will offer interpretations as part of therapy. This aims to deepen insight and facilitate change.

How much Does it cost?

The rate of a 50 minute consultation is AED 850.

Many of the health insurers cover psychotherapy. Please consult with your health insurer and I will happily complete the necessary paperwork.